How to deal with difficult times!

Everyone, at some point in our lives, face some crisis. It could be an acute or chronic disease, a breaking relationship with a spouse, failure in academics or in a career, financial turmoil etc. No one in this world is free of such crisis; everyone has their share of challenges in their lives. These stressful…

Soaring over the clouds

Did you ever dream to fly like a bird? Or ever dreamt of jumping from an airplane? Or just curious to know how does it look down from soaring high up in the sky? Well, I was fortunate enough to experience all this when I leaped from 18000 feet above the ground. Yes, Eighteen Thousand…

Mindful Living with Yoga

At the beginning of this year, I gave birth to a beautiful daughter. During my pre-natal visits, my gynecologist would always stress on doing prenatal yoga whenever I would ask her about fitness during pregnancy. And I clearly remember when I asked her later in the final trimester about any tips for smooth labor, she…

About me!

Hello! My name is Jaz. I live in California. I am a married woman and gave birth to a beautiful daughter not too long ago. I am a pharmacist by education. I am a travel enthusiast and love to cook healthy meals. Doing yoga and gym is my “me” time. I am a very spiritual…